0.5 : (14/09/2008) Server - check if home directory exists before login, 0.4 : (no public release) Server/GUI - add sub dir right, - add goodbye message, 0.3 : (07/09/2008) GUI - add DenyPriority parameter to can be deny all IP address except allowed IP, Server - correct bug in send file, - correct wrong default parameter in config file, - better code writting, - now if passive port is used, go to next until found free port, - close active port connection when client close, - add DenyPriority to deny all address except allowed IP, - correct possible Deny Of Service, - add STOU command, 0.2 : (14/07/2008) GUI : - message when you close and server is running, Server - using String.Concat and StringBuilder, - code cleaning, - add better header of function, - rename all variable name to better name, - add RNYO and RNFR command, - add FEAT command - MTDM, - SIZE, - UTF8, - CLNT, - MFMT, 0.1 : (29/08/2009) Initial release